5 Popular Hair Myths You Need To Stop Believing in 2022

You have probably had your fair share of hair myths thrown at you, from trimming your hair every 4 to 6 weeks for “faster growth” to avoiding conditioner if you have greasy hair. We have accepted these as facts without question, but just how true are they? I am here to help you separate fact from fiction so that your hair care game is on point this 2022.

Myth #1: Trimming your hair often makes it grow quicker.

Truth: The most logical explanation to debunk this myth is that hair growth occurs at the roots and not at the ends. Cutting your hair every 4 to 6 weeks will not make your hair grow any faster. What it does though is it helps with your hair’s overall growth because you are trimming the split ends, which can make your hair look more damaged (except for those who like to keep the shape maintained).

I recommend going for a trim between 8 to 12 weeks if you are trying to grow your hair out. Keeping split ends at bay will result in healthier hair growth. You can also upgrade your routine by getting products that nourish your hair from the roots to strengthen it. You will want to invest in supplements that help combat stress responses in the body and support hair growth and your general health and well-being.

Try Nutrafol supplements for healthy hair growth. Check out how.

Myth #2: Your shampoo stops being effective after a while.

Truth: This myth probably came from the idea that certain products stop working after you “get used to them.” There is little to no evidence supporting this theory, so you better hold onto that shampoo bottle before you toss it out and replace it with a new one. According to hair experts, switching shampoos too often may actually be worse for your hair. There’s a chance your pH balance will be off and might lead to a dry scalp and even breakage.

Myth #3: Older women should avoid long hairstyles.

Truth: Absolutely not! Hair length is not the issue when we age, it’s the state and health of our hair. As long as your hair health is thriving, then you can style your hair however you want—long, mid-length, or short!

Check out hairstyles for women over 40.

Myth #4: Plucking one gray hair can cause two more to grow back.

Truth: There has been no scientific evidence that plucking one gray strand can cause two to grow back. Each strand is attached to one hair follicle only, so this myth is most definitely busted. Time to let out a sigh of relief!

Myth #5: Air-drying is better than blow-drying.

We touched on this when I wrote about my favorite blow-dryers, but this time, we are getting into the science of it all. In theory, air-drying your hair seems better than blasting it with a dryer. Your hair strands swell when they come into contact with water. This means that the longer your hair is wet or damp, the more pressure it puts on your hair’s proteins.

One way to dry your hair without damaging it is by air-drying between 10 to 30 minutes (depending on your hair length and type) and using a hair dryer on a cold setting to dry completely. 

See my list of best hair dryers!

Which of these busted hair myths surprised you? Tell me in the comments or come over to the salon and let’s talk more about hair care. Book here!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Posted on March 2, 2022 and filed under Beauty, Blow Drying, hair, Lifestyle, Self-care.