My Favorite Hair-Dryers for the Best Blowout Ever: 2022 Edition

Thanks to the latest technology, achieving salon-style hair has never been easier. For instance, hair tools such as dryers have come a long way when it comes to quality. In addition to giving you a gorgeous blowout, some of the best hair-dryers we have today contribute to hair health. 

There's a pervading belief that blow-drying the hair is damaging. Tim Moore, PhD in Microelectronics from Cambridge University and Chief Technology Officer at Good Hair Day, explains, “Hair can absorb up to 30 per cent of its own weight in water. The longer it stays wet, the worse things get, as it continues to swell.” All that water affects the molecular structure of your hair, weakening it. It’s healthier for the hair to be quickly and properly dried rather than prolonging its wet and weakened state. This means having the right blow-dryer can make a huge difference and is more crucial than ever.

Generally, there are five things that I look for in a dryer: weight, length, multiple heat options, a cold shot button, and design (who doesn’t want a stylish hair-dryer?!). I took the liberty to give you a roundup of my favorite blow-dryers so that you have an idea where to start. Check them out below.

What Makes a Great Hair-Dryer?

The first two factors—weight and length—are important if you travel frequently or use a blow-dryer regularly. You want something weighty enough to know it’s good quality but light enough for you to use comfortably. I like using the nozzle that usually comes with a dryer. It directs the airflow exactly where you point it and dries the hair quickly. Length, on the other hand, is crucial as well because when you’re drying your hair, it can be more challenging or even uncomfortable if the barrel is too long.

When it comes to heating options, simple is best. You only need three settings: hot, medium, and a cool shot button to set your style. You can spend $99 on a dryer or splurge on fancier ones that cost $400 and up. At the end of the day, it’s about finding a blow-dryer that works for you.

Here are my recommendations:

1. Bio Ionic GoldPro Travel Dryer

For professional-quality results that last, check out the Bio Ionic GoldPro Travel Dryer. You can't beat the price point on this one. It's stylish and has the Bio Ionic Moisturizing Heat™ Technology that keeps your hair soft and healthy. This dryer also folds up, making it easy to pack for a quick weekend getaway (are we doing that yet?).

Shop Bio Ionic dryers.

2. Ergo TT2000 Blow Dryer

The Ergo TT2000 Blow Dryer is a godsend for those who want an ergonomic design that delivers. I haven't tried it personally, but I know many stylists who have this as their holy grail hair tool. It has a small body, so it’s easy to hold and is portable, plus the 10-foot cord allows you to move around and style with ease. It’s definitely a must-buy if you want an everyday dryer that gets the job done in a jiff.

Shop Ergo dryers. Use the code ERGOLOVE10 to get 10% off your first order!

3. IQ Perfetto Hair Dryer by Gama Professional

The IQ Perfetto Hair Dryer is what I use in the salon every day. Its sleek and ergonomic design is comparable to popular dryers available today. This dryer delivers incredible power with a 110,000 RPM motor, giving maximum results with little effort. It’s also light enough for me to use all day long without any discomfort on my wrist. If you’re willing to pay more for an everyday tool that can stand daily usage, this will be perfectly sufficient for you, along with the Ergo and Bio Ionic dryer.

Shop Gama Professional dryers.

Disclosure: Some of the links on this post contain affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. Please keep in mind that I included these companies and their products because of their quality first and foremost. The buying decision is always yours.

Posted on February 11, 2022 and filed under Beauty, Blow Drying, Favorite hair products, hair, Tools.